Exhibition offers glimpse into Manuel Vicente’s work

A kindergarten designed by Manuel Vicente, located at Praia Grande

A kindergarten designed by Manuel Vicente, located at Praia Grande

The non-profit organization Docomomo Macau and the Macau Design Center have joined forces to launch an exhibition featuring the work of architect Manuel Vicente. The exhibition was inaugurated yesterday at the Macau Design Center Gallery and will remain on display until October 10.
“Architects and former collaborators of Manuel Vicente wanted to introduce a wider overview of the [late] architect’s work: why was he so important for Macau? So our idea was to invite as many people who worked with him as possible, so that we could discover his thoughts about the city and his projects,” said Rui Leão, architect and chair of Docomomo.
The “Discovering Manuel Vicente” exhibition is intended to further debate about his contribution to the way we now see the city’s urban planning strategies.
“There’s an educational side of it. We want people to learn about how his projects were designed, how he and his collaborators discussed ideas. So we launched the exhibition with a collection of objects. We are also trying to show how he designed his projects, and his thoughts on the city’s planning,” Mr Leão explained.
The exhibition will also feature eight mockups of Manuel Vicente’s projects, providing different insights into his work. A film by Rosa Coutinho Cabral on Manuel Vicente and architect Manuel Graça Dias will also be aired. The exhibition also features a photo collection of Vicente’s buildings by architect Nuno Assis.
As Macau faces new architectural and urban planning challenges with the development of five new reclamation zones, Rui Leão said that the work of the late Manuel Vicente is a testament to what Macau has achieved, and how the city is able to make things possible.
“It’s becoming harder to preserve the city’s memory. It seems that in the past things were possible in Macau, and that’s why Manuel Vicente liked the city so much, because things were made possible here,” he recalled.
Mr Leão concluded by saying that instead of turning to Hong Kong and Singapore for urban planning solutions, we should look to Macau and find solutions within the city.
For many, Portuguese architect Manuel Vicente – who passed away in 2013 – has greatly influenced the city’s architecture. Some of his most famous projects and designs include an architectural intervention program on the St Paul’s Ruins, the creation of the Sai Van and Nam Van Lakes, as well as several residential and government buildings across the city.

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