BRIEFS | AACM creates official WeChat account

The Civil Aviation Authority of Macao SAR (AACM) launched its official WeChat account yesterday, stating in a press release that the application was created “in view of the increased popularity of new media applications.” “The number of people in mainland China or elsewhere who are now using WeChat to obtain information and for social needs is increasing tremendously. According to a study on new media usage among Macau residents, 90 percent of the Macau population is using WeChat. In addition, more and more government entities have adopted WeChat to publish their news,” the statement reads.  In addition to publishing updates from the office, AACM will use WeChat to educate readers on issues that concern passengers; for example, explaining Macau’s aviation laws and regulations. Interested subscribers to AACM’s official WeChat can search the Wechat ID “MacaoCAA”.

Industrial revenue up

The revenue of industrial establishments in Macau increased by 15.2 percent year-on-year to MOP10.91 billion in 2014, according to an industrial survey released by the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC). A total of 864 establishments were operating in industrial production in 2014, a decrease of 52 year-on-year. Statistics indicate that the total number of employees in the sector dropped by 461 to 12,526.

coluna-Fireworks-20140320092014Three Firework Displays on Sept 19

The Portuguese fireworks team, which could not perform on September 5 due to technical reasons, is now scheduled to present their fireworks display on September 19 (Saturday). With the fireworks teams from Korea and Italy scheduled for performances as well, there will be three firework displays on the same night. The 27th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest is held in front of the Macau Tower on September 5, 12, 19 and 27 as well as October 1.

Categories Macau