World Briefs

CHINA-UN A U.N. panel says China has arbitrarily detained an American woman in violation of international human rights norms, bringing her case back into public attention ahead of a visit to Beijing by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon this week.

Bangladesh Attack

BANGLADESH A Bangladeshi politician whose son was one of the Dhaka restaurant attackers said yesterday that many young men from educated families have been missing like his son was for several months before carrying out the deadly attack.

AUSTRALIA‘s conservative government remains hopeful of clinging to power after weekend elections turned too close to call. But the opposition leader warned that even if the government musters a majority, it will emerge a divided administration without a mandate for its agenda.

THAILAND Japanese car maker Toyota says it is letting go at least 800 workers at its factories in Thailand under a voluntary departure program, a reflection of deepening troubles in the Thai automotive industry.

YEMEN A suicide car bomber struck a military and security compound adjacent to the international airport in southern Yemeni port city of Aden yesterday, killing at least 10 people and setting off clashes with soldiers, medical and security officials said.

US India

INDIA-AFRICA India’s prime minister hopes his visit this week to four African nations, some not visited by an Indian leader in more than three decades, will reinvigorate cooperation in energy, trade and investment. Narendra Modi will visit Mozambique today followed by South Africa, Tanzania and Kenya.

Belgium Brussels Attacks

BELGIAN authorities say they have handed over two men to France who allegedly helped the top suspect in the Nov. 13 Paris attacks. The federal prosecutor’s office identified the two as Mohammed A. and Ali O. and said they were transferred yesterday to France under a European arrest warrant.

MIGRANTS Swiss border guards have sent packing a 21-year-old Eritrean who was caught trying to sneak into southern Switzerland inside a piece of luggage on a train from Italy. Dramatic video posted online showed a man’s hand, then arm, then head jutting out of the rectangular bag and him struggling to unzip it from the inside. He then got help from a border guard, unfolding his legs only to be led away.

RAMADAN As Muslims around the world celebrate the end of Ramadan, many are struggling to comprehend a wave of attacks that killed 350 people across several continents during the holy month and made urgent the question of what drives the militants to ever more spectacular violence against civilians. The diverse, high-profile targets underline the warnings of many experts: the Islamic State group, especially when on the defensive at home, will metastasize far beyond its theater of operations.

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