The Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) is launching a subsidy program that is aiming to encourage schools to expand students’ scientific knowledge, specifically in topics related to the prevention and reduction of disasters.
Aimed at improving students’ emergency response capability and safety awareness in emergencies, both public and private schools are eligible to apply for the subsidy.
The subsidy covers expenditure for the required machinery and facilities necessary for the execution of the project, allowances for the pedagogic instructors, and other expenses.
With a total budget of MOP2 million, each project is entitled to an application of MOP60,000, at maximum.
According to FDCT, each proposal must include different measures including the program, time, schedule, methods used, budget and the estimated number of participating students, as well as the expected results of the project.
The final report must be submitted within a period of 30 days after the completion of the project.
“We have a subsidized plan for schools and they can apply for funds […] to educate the students and [teach them how to] prevent and reduce the disaster,” said the chairman of FDCT, Frederico Ma Chi Ngai.
“By subsidizing schools […] we hope that it could provide the schools with the opportunities to work on promoting emergency response and security awareness.”
According to the bureau, the application period starts next week and will continue until the end of March.
Ma also noted that FDCT would hold further trainings and projects regarding disaster prevention in the future.
“Previously, we have invited some specialists to come and study the report and this is one of their suggestions. Of course we will do it for a long time in the future.”
Ma was referring to the previous visit of the China National Commission for Disaster Reduction, after which the “Work Report on the Evaluation of Typhoon Hato from the Expert Group of the China National Commission for Disaster Reduction” was completed.
The report brought forward seven major suggestions and six of them refer to developing the culture of preparedness for disaster situations and the quality of the safety measures put in place. An emphasis was put on expanding school students’ knowledge of disaster prevention and reduction.
FDCT invited two speakers to conduct a seminar on disaster prevention at the Public Servant Training Center yesterday. LV
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