German airports targeted in widening public workers’ strikes

Germany’s public-sector workers expanded strikes across Europe’s biggest economy yesterday, with flights at airports including Frankfurt and Munich suffering severe disruption.

Ahead of a third round of wage talks on April 15, the Ver.di union is attempting to increase pressure on employers in support of a demand for a 6 percent pay raise, or at least 200 euros (USD250) a month, over 12 months for 2.3 million government workers.

There were widespread delays and cancellations at Frankfurt and Munich airports, while Deutsche Lufthansa AG scrapped more than 800 of Tuesday’s 1,600 scheduled flights, affecting about 90,000 passengers. Cologne and Bremen airports were also hit by stoppages, as well as some local transport networks, city administrations, nursery schools, utilities and job centers.

“After two rounds of talks there is still no offer from employers,” Ver.di Chairman Frank Bsirske said yesterday in a statement. “At long last, we want to break through this wall.”

The nationwide walkouts, which Ver.di said involved 60,000 workers across eight federal regions, are due to continue through Friday, although the four airports were only affected yesterday. MDT/Bloomberg

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