Angola | Deep-water port of Cabinda expected to start construction in 2016

Operations At The Port Of Manila Ahead of Philippine Third-Quarter GDP FiguresConstruction of the deep-water port of Cabinda in Caio Litoral, is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2016, said the president of the Port of Cabinda, Nazareth Neto.
Cited by state newspaper Jornal de Angola, Neto said construction of the port was his company’s most important construction project and said conditions were in place for work to begin, “after overcoming all the constraints experienced in 2015.”
In 2016 the port company also plans to undertake other works including construction of the breakwater along the coastal area of Cabinda, in order to slow down the huge waves that affect the region, making it safer for ships to dock and unload and load goods.
There are also plans to build a Sea Passenger Terminal, taking into account the national program to transport Cabinda residents to other parts of the country and mainly to operate routes between Cabinda, Soyo and Luanda.
The future deep-water port will have a minimum draft of 12.5 meters, which is enough to receive large ships arriving from Nigeria, South Africa and other countries, as well as ships in the service of the oil companies.
The first phase, with an estimated cost of USD600 million, includes a terminal with a 675-metre quay for large ships, 31 hectares of land area developed and includes a breakwater to protect against winds and waves.
When the work is complete the port is expected to receive over 50,000 containers per year, compared to 26,000 at the moment. MDT/Macauhub

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