Angola | Luanda plans to ban ivory trade

Illegal Ivory CrackdownThe government of Angola intends to ban the ivory trade across the country and a draft executive decree was presented last week in Luanda by an inter-ministerial committee, Angolan news agency Angop reported.
The draft decree was presented during a meeting of the Inter-ministerial Commission against Environmental and Other Crimes Related to Wild Fauna and Flora, and also discussed a strategy to close ivory stands, such as the ones in a craft market in Luanda.
The meeting, chaired by the minister of Environment, Fátima Jardim also analysed the possibility of Patrols of the Crime Unit at the 4 de Fevereiro international airport and the airports of Maria Teresa (Kwanza Norte) and Bengo and assessed a uniform to be worn by staff involved in the initiative.
At the first meeting of the Inter-ministerial Commission against Environmental and Other Crimes Related to Wild Fauna and Flora, held at the end of 2015, Jardim said there was an urgent need to respond to poaching, especially of elephants and rhinos. MDT/Macauhub

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