Cecilia Ho, scholar of social work, thinks the government should allow public access to the entire text of the review report on the implementation of the Domestic Violence Law. The Macao Polytechnic Institute lecturer told online news outlet All About Macau, “The general public needs to read the entire text.” She explained that frontline social workers, advocates against domestic violence and domestic violence victims were interviewed during the compilation process of the report, making it a “collective wisdom” of value to society. The government deemed it was not yet time to amend the law, saying that more cases are needed to determine the efficacy of the current legislation. Ho agreed with the stance, but criticized the report for largely focusing on the detail at the expense of some critical factors. She also reminded the government to be progressive in the next version of the law.
Customs busts 46kg of hairy crab
The Macao Customs Service busted 46 kilograms of hairy crabs and 28 kilograms of fish at the airport and the Border Gate checkpoint late last month. Eating hairy crab has become a habit for Chinese people in autumn, so recently importation – legal or illegal – of the species has risen. The customs recorded five cases at the airport, in which four locals and one mainlander were caught carrying undeclared hairy crab on their way entering Macau. The largest pack weighed 10 kilograms. Meanwhile, at the Border Gate, two local men tried to smuggle 28 kilograms of hairy crabs and fish by driving through immigration.
Private clinics proposed to store vaccines
Lawmaker Song Pek Kei has proposed for the local government to allow private medical clinics to store vaccines. In her interpellation to the government, Song pointed out the trouble local residents have when buying vaccines from pharmacies. She said that, currently, residents need to buy vaccines from pharmacies and carry them to private clinics to get the shot. Due to this, residents need to bear unnecessary risks while transporting the vaccines to the clinics. Song believes that this situation limits Macau private clinics’ development and also imposes higher demands and more pressure upon public hospitals. Song says that if public hospitals and pharmacies can store vaccines, private clinics should do so as well.
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