Briefs | Bank apologizes for referring to Macau as a country

The Korean Woori Bank has apologized to its Chinese clients for an advertisement posted by the bank that referred to Macau as a country. The advertisement featured five hands wearing clothes, the sleeves of which were printed with the flags of PRC, Japan, POC, Hong Kong and Macau. However, words written on the advertisement referred to the aforementioned regions as “five countries in Asia.” The bank’s official Weibo account announced Tuesday that the post had no relationship with the bank, and that the bank is conducting an investigation regarding the issue. The bank also apologized to its Chinese costumers, according to a report by Apple Daily.

Civil servant caught lying

A civil servant has lied to the police, claiming that he was being robbed, in order to provide his department with a sound reason for having been late for work. Earlier, the man, who is in his 30s, had reported to police saying that he had been robbed of MOP50 at the Tap Seac Square public bathroom. On Monday, the Judiciary Police (PJ) discovered that the man had lied after several discussions with the self-proclaimed victim. The government employee admitted to the PJ that he made up the whole story in order to explain to his supervisor why he had arrived late to work.

Couple falsify robbery case after losing money on gambling

A couple was arrested yesterday by the Judiciary Police (PJ), accused of falsifying a robbery case on Wednesday. Earlier, a convenience store near the Border Gate had reportedly been robbed, according to the two female employees on-duty at that time, one of whom is a suspect. MOP15,000 was supposedly stolen during the robbery. However, after being questioned by the PJ, the female suspect later admitted that the robbery never happened. She claimed that her boyfriend had lost more than MOP10,000 from his earnings on gambling, so she had suggested he falsify the robbery while she was working, according to a report by TDM.

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