Chief Executive Chui Sai On announced yesterday in a statement from the Office of the Government Spokesperson that he will appeal the decision of the Court of Second Instance that last week ruled in favor of the former director of the Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau, Fong Soi Kun. The court ruled that the dismissal order issued by the CE to penalize Fong for a lack of accountability during Typhoon Hato was improper. According to the statement, the CE will appeal the decision, bringing the case to the Final Instance Court (TUI). In April 2018, the CE decided to issue the penalty of dismissal to Fong. However, the former official was already retired from office, and so the penalty was changed to a suspension of his pension for a period of four years.
PSP appoints new deputy head
The Public Security Police Force’s (PSP) Assistant Commissioner Vong Vai Hong assumed office as deputy commissioner yesterday at the PSP headquarters, as noted in a statement released by the authority. Vong joined the PSP in 1988. After completing the Senior Police Officer Training Program in 1994, he served as division head of the Tactical Police Unit and the Traffic Department, among other roles, before being promoted as the head of the Traffic Department and later the head of the Operations Department. Vong has served as acting deputy commissioner of PSP since January 15 this year. He has also been awarded commendations repeatedly for his outstanding work performance and excellent leadership, the PSP stated.
Property prices drop slightly
The overall residential property price index for the December to February period is 262.9, a 0.9 percent drop from the period of November to January, the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) data shows. The indexes for Macau and the Islands dropped by 1 and 0.9 percent respectively. The index for pre-sale units (266.9) increased by 0.5 percent, and existing units (283.7) dropped by 1.1 percent. The indexes for existing units in Macau (278.9) and the Islands (304.4) fell by 1.2 and 0.9 percent respectively. A year-on-year comparison shows the overall and existing units indexes rose by 4.3 and 6.7 percent respectively, while that of pre-sale units dropped by 1 percent.
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