The Macau SAR government is not suggesting that a liquor licensing system be established, according to the transcript of a public consultation on alcohol control for underage youth. The local government started collecting public opinions on the alcohol control legislation yesterday. The consultation materials book showed that when considering the volume of administrative resources required to establish a liquor licensing system, the government authority decided that it would not precede with it at this stage. However, the Health Bureau is recommending that inspectors be dispatched to liquor supply locations for spot inspections. The consultation material also revealed that there was a proposal to impose a maximum two-year ban on operations once the concerned parties were convicted of specific violations. The public consultation is being held until December 4.
Non-permanent residents included in work income subsidy scheme
The Macau SAR government is including non-permanent residents in its work income subsidy scheme for this year, according to a statement released by the Financial Services Bureau (DSF). Any local resident who is currently employed; was issued a Macau ID on or before 31 December 2019; works more than 152 hours per month or no fewer than 128 hours in the textile, clothing, leather products manufacturing and export industries; and has a quarterly income of less than 15,000 patacas or a monthly income of less than 5,000 patacas is eligible for the subsidy. The government will reimburse eligible applicants for the difference between their salaries and the aforementioned quarterly income.
Gov’t HQ to open to public next weekend
The Government Headquarters Open Day will be held on October 17 and 18, and will feature a series of performances and flower displays. This year, the flower display is themed “Happiness is All Around,” featuring Macau’s scenic spots and festive celebrations as the design motif, and vibrant colors as the conceptual framework. Members of the public are reminded that upon arrival at the Government Headquarters they must present a valid green health code and undergo a body temperature check.
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