The Macau Public Assets Supervision and Planning Office has revealed that the bureau will organize a public consultation on the law concerning government owned companies. According to the bureau, it is currently inappropriate to require government owned companies to disclose specific information, because that would be beyond the city’s commercial laws’ regulations.
Shops express mixed views about characteristic shop scheme
Participants of the Macau Economic Bureau (DSE) have expressed mixed opinions about the bureau’s characteristic shop scheme. According to a TDM report, a shop owner, surnamed Ng, said that since mainland China gave its citizens approval to visit Macau in September, the business was able to recover 10% to 30%, yet noting that DSE’s characteristic shop scheme is not effective enough at helping shops expand businesses. Other shop owners believe the DSE program is effective and hope the bureau will continue this sponsorship.
Lawmaker asks about ‘going-out passes’
Lawmaker Chan Hong has written to the SAR government asking about security risks created by going-out passes, a kind of temporary staying permit. In her interpellation, Chan pointed out that recently, Macau has reported several cases of individuals who are waiting for official deportation committing crimes for people who hold the temporary going-out passes. Chan wants the local government to negotiate and communicate with some southern Asian countries to shorten the identity check process and expedite deportation procedures.
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