Lawmaker Lei Chan U has questioned the necessity of building a sewage treatment facility in zone E1, according to an interpellation he recently submitted to the government. The lawmaker pointed out that Macau currently has five sewage treatment facilities, and that only one of them is treating sewage above its designed capacity. The government also planned to build a sewage treatment plant on the artificial island of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge. As the government plans to build a sewage treatment facility on the HKZMB, Lei questioned whether it is still necessary to build one in zone E1. He also questioned whether consideration should be given to the Macau airport sewage treatment plant being expanded to meet the projected increase in visitor numbers.
Lam Lon Wai recommends hard-rubbish collection station
Lawmaker Lam Lon Wai has written an interpellation to the local government to install temporary collection stations for the disposal of large items. In his interpellation, Lam specifically pointed out that some members of the public and non-local residents have been illegally dumping furniture and large items on the streets late at night. Lam said that cleaning companies have no responsibility to handle such items, thus leaving them to pile up and eventually block the streets. He suggested that the local government install CCTV surveillance cameras at blind spots where such activities typically occur. He also specifically proposed that the government post signs in multiple languages to remind the public not to dump their rubbish.
Ng Kuok Cheong pushes for hazardous material storage
Lawmaker Ng Kuok Cheong has written an interpellation to the government asking about the specific location of the planned temporary warehouse for storing hazardous material and the temporary transit warehouse for storing fuel. In his interpellation, Ng pointed out that the Macau SAR government had indicated last year a decision to set up a temporary fuel transit warehouse on the artificial island of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge and to construct a temporary warehouse for storing hazardous material in the E1 area of the New Urban Zone. Earlier this year, the local government told Ng that it was yet to determine the location of the sites. Ng wants the local authority to explain whether they are still reviewing the original chosen sites and what the proposed timetable for the construction of the two warehouses will be. Ng also wants the government to promise that construction will commence this year.
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