Briefs | Woman dies in car crash

A 67-year-old local woman has been killed in a car accident that took place yesterday morning on R. de Francisco Xavier Pereira. The accident involved one bus and four private vehicles. According to the Public Security Police Force, the accident is believed to have been caused by the bus driver, who may have mistakenly stepped on the accelerator, leading to a collision with a car waiting for a woman to cross the road at a zebra crossing. Five vehicles in total were involved in the accident. The woman was squeezed between two vehicles, and the driver of a private car was trapped inside his vehicle following the accident.  All drivers passed alcohol tests.

Ye Dabo criticizes EU for listing Macau

The Chinese Foreign Affairs Commissioner in the MSAR, Ye Dabo, criticized the decision made by the European Union to list Macau on a tax blacklist. In a meeting attended by Carmen Cano, Head of the European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macau, Ye said that the EU’s decision is unilateral and one-sided and completely out of line with the actual situation in Macau. Ye criticized the EU for making improper comments on Macau’s internal affairs, saying that these actions have upset the Macau people. 

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