Japan | Abe sends offerings to controversial war shrine ahead of Xi meeting

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sent religious offerings yesterday to a Tokyo shrine that honors convicted World War II leaders among its war dead, a likely signal that he won’t

Australia | 5 asylum seekers on Nauru set to go to Cambodia

Five asylum seekers from Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Iran have agreed to be among the first to leave the Pacific island nation of Nauru for Cambodia under a deal that

Authorities seize 4 tons of elephant tusks in biggest ever bust

Thailand seized 4 tons of ivory hidden in bean sacks tracked from Congo in what authorities said was the biggest bust in the country’s history, customs officials said yesterday. The 739

India | Van and 3-wheeled vehicle collide; 5 students dead

Villagers who took the injured students, including three in critical condition, to a nearby government hospital in Bihar state became incensed when they discovered no doctors were present. About 100

Philippines | Manila starts South China Sea War games with US

More than 11,000 soldiers from the Philippines, U.S. and Australia will take part in joint drills in the South China Sea, as the Philippines’ military chief called China’s building work

South Korea | Gov’t ready to begin work to salvage sunken ferry

South Korea’s oceans ministry said yesterday that it was ready to start work to salvage a ferry that sank last year, killing more than 300 people, and that the operation

South Korea | Police question dozens after violent ferry protest

South Korean police said yesterday that they were questioning dozens of protesters after violence broke out at a rally denouncing the government’s handling of a ferry disaster that killed more

Australia | Authorities arrest 5 for alleged IS-inspired terror plot 

Five Australian teenagers were arrested Saturday on suspicion of plotting an Islamic State group-inspired terrorist attack at a Veterans’ Day ceremony that included targeting police officers, officials said. The suspects included

India | 2 policemen arrested in killing of Kashmiri youth

Two Indian policemen have been arrested in the killing of a teenage boy during weekend protests in the disputed region of Kashmir, police said. Towns across the Himalayan territory were mostly

Nature | Indian farmers protest gov’t plans to ease land acquisition

Tens of thousands of flag-waving farmers rallied in India’s capital yesterday to protest a government plan to ease rules for obtaining land for industry and development projects. Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Malaysia | Search area for Flight 370 to be doubled if plane not found

The search area for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 will be expanded by another 60,000 square kilometers in the Indian Ocean if the jetliner is not found by May,

Australia | Gov’t will soon pay refugees to resettle in Cambodia

Rod McGuirk, Canberra Refugees from Africa, the Middle East and South Asia who are being held on the Pacific atoll of Nauru after being rejected by Australia could soon be paid

South Korea | Experts doubt ferry sinking will inspire improved safety

A year ago, as South Korea writhed in grief and fury after more than 300 people, most of them school kids, drowned in a ferry sinking, it seemed things would

Aviation | Plane skids off runway in Japan; about 20 injured

An Asiana Airlines plane skidded off a runway Tuesday after landing in western Japan, and about 20 people received minor injuries, officials said. Hiroshima airport reported that the aircraft’s tail touched the

Australia | Supermarket shuts website in Veterans’ Day furor

Woolworths, which brands itself as “The Fresh Food People,” launched the website “Fresh in Our Memories” late Tuesday to commemorate ANZAC Day on April 25. ANZAC stands for the Australian and

Japan-S Korea | US: Tensions distract from N Korea threat

Deputy Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was speaking ahead of a trilateral meeting today in Washington with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts. Tokyo and Seoul both host tens of thousands

South Korea | Visiting empty desk of ferry victim helps mom cope

Once or twice a week, a mother’s ritual begins. Shin Jumja applies pink lipstick and face powder, gets in her car and drives to the high school her oldest son attended

Japan | Court rejects bid to restart of 2 nuclear reactors

A court issued an injunction yesterday ordering two nuclear reactors in western Japan to stay offline, rejecting regulators’ safety approval for the facility ahead of their planned restart later this

Australia | Gov’t to withhold payments from parents against vaccine

The Australian government has ramped up pressure on parents who oppose vaccination by threatening to withhold child care and other payments from families that fail to immunize their children. The government

Malaysia | Gov’t revives indefinite jail raising fears of repression

Lim Kit Siang had just been elected an opposition lawmaker in Malaysia’s Parliament three days earlier when racial riots between ethnic Chinese and Malays broke out on May 13, 1969.

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