Taiwan | Ma quits as party chair after poll loss 

Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou resigned yesterday as chairman of the Beijing-friendly ruling Nationalists after surprisingly harsh local election losses, a signal the party plans to regroup for a tough 2016

Taiwan, Hong Kong a challenge for Xi 

An electoral pummeling for Taiwan’s pro-Beijing ruling party and a new spike in pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong have delivered a reality check to Chinese President Xi Jinping just when

Hong Kong | 3 protest leaders to surrender to police 

Three of the founders of Hong Kong’s protest movement called yesterday for an end to street demonstrations to prevent further violence and to take the campaign for democratic reforms to

Taiwan | Ma quitting as party chief after polls

Taiwan’s ruling Nationalist Party said yesterday that President Ma Ying-jeou would step down as party chairman following stiff defeats in local elections over the weekend that cast a shadow over

Hong Kong | 40 arrested as protesters clash with police for street control

Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters face a new court ruling to clear out after Sunday night’s attempt to expand their hold on a swathe of central Hong Kong was beaten back

Xi outlines ‘big country diplomacy’ in Sino foreign policy

China must establish “big country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics,” President Xi Jinping said in a speech that laid out his goals for making the nation a major strategic power, a

Gay dating app grows to 15 million users 

By day, Ma Baoli was a high-ranking officer in a seaside city police force. By night, he ran a website for gay people to share experiences and where he spoke

Hong Kong | Tycoons and fishermen choosing leaders fuel protests

In a former fishing village now packed with high-rise apartment blocks, Law King-shing reflects on the quirk of history that made him one of the 1,200-strong elite that chose Hong

Human Rights | Activist pleads innocent in chaotic trial

A leading Chinese rights activist who organized rallies for media freedom pleaded not guilty to charges of disturbing public order in an all-night trial in which the judge rejected his

Prominent rights lawyer released

A prominent human rights lawyer was released from six months in police custody in central China, according a Beijing-based social justice group. Chang Boyang has been campaigning for the rights of

China urges Taiwan to keep ties after poll loss

China urged Taiwan to protect the gains of landmark cooperation between the mainland and the self-ruled island after Taiwan’s pro-Beijing ruling party was routed in local elections. The defeat in Saturday’s

Xinjiang | Authorities arrest 334 terrorism suspects linked to unrest

Some 115 terrorist groups were quashed and 334 suspects detained, with another 52 turning themselves in during the six months to Nov. 22, according to a report posted on the

Second deadly mine blast in 2 days kills 11

At least 11 people were killed yesterday in the second deadly coal mine accident to hit China in two days, pointing to continuing safety issues in the industry despite a major decline

Iconic liquor maker caught in graft probe 

Kweichow Moutai Group deputy general manager Fang Guoxing is under investigation for serious violations of discipline, the Central Committee for Discipline Inspection said on its website. The term almost always refers

Hong Kong | Police vow to keep Mong Kok open as more protesters, officers arrested

Hong Kong police arrested 11 more people in a second night of scuffles with demonstrators angry at having their 2-month-old pro-democracy protest camp in a volatile neighborhood shut down, officials

Putin’s tiger ravages Heilongjiang goat farm

Ustin, a rare Siberian tiger released into the wild by Russian President Vladimir Putin, is behaving badly in his new home in northeastern China. The tiger, one of two to enter China from Russia’s

26 coal miners die in Liaoning mine fire

A fire sparked by underground tremors tore through a coal mine in northeastern China early yesterday, killing 26 miners and leaving several others with life-threatening injuries, state media reported. Another 50 miners were

Xi risks Silk Road backlash to remake Middle Kingdom center of the world

President Xi Jinping’s grand plan to make China the center of the world again by reviving the ancient Silk Road trading route faces obstacles at its first stop. In Kazakhstan, through

Hong Kong | Police arrest key protesters, clear site

Police arrested key student leaders of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protests yesterday as they cleared barricades in one volatile district, throwing into doubt the future of a 2-month-old movement seeking free elections

Beijing asks for US help in hunting down fugitives 

A senior Chinese diplomat yesterday called on the U.S. and other Western countries to put aside their wariness of China’s justice system and work with Beijing to send back officials who have

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