Mainland prepares for bigger smoking crackdown with fines

China is considering fining smokers who light up indoors as much as 500 yuan (USD81) and penalizing operators who don’t stop them, a sign of rising political willingness to curb

Beijing tries students of convicted minority scholar

Seven minority students were standing trial on separatism charges yesterday for working on a website run by a prominent Muslim Uighur scholar convicted on the same charge in far western China,

Hong Kong | Police clash with protesters as Mong Kok site cleared

Hong Kong authorities began clearing a 2-month-old pro-democracy protest site in Mong Kok district yesterday, risking confrontation with demonstrators in the neighborhood, a flashpoint for previous violent clashes with police

Tencent to air HBO in mainland as gov’t shuts down free sites

Tencent Holdings Ltd., controlled by China’s third-richest man Ma Huateng, has won exclusive rights to air HBO content online in China. The agreement between Tencent and Time Warner Inc.’s HBO comes

State media give profs a chilling warning

Over two weeks, the Communist Party-run Liaoning Daily newspaper sent reporters to sit in on dozens of university lectures all over the country looking for what the paper said were

Hong Kong | Jutting, fit to plead, remanded 7 months for murder probe

Prosecutors were granted seven months to further investigate charges against Rurik Jutting, a former Bank of America Corp. employee whose psychiatric reports said he’s fit to plead in a double-murder

Beijing defends land reclamation in South China Sea 

Defying a U.S. call to halt the project, China defended its land reclamation in the disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea yesterday, saying the work is for public service use, although a

Film | ‘Blind Massage’ big Golden Horse winner in Taiwan

A Chinese-French film about blind masseurs and Chinese actor and director Chen Jianbin scooped the most accolades at Taiwan’s 51st Golden Horse movie awards, considered the Chinese-language equivalent of the

Strong quake in Sichuan kills 5, 54 hurt

A strong earthquake that hit a sparsely populated, mountainous area of western China killed at least five people and injured 54 others, officials said Sunday. The injured included schoolchildren in

Party paper backs charges against veteran journalist Gao Yu

A newspaper published by China’s ruling Communist Party on Saturday endorsed charges of leaking state secrets against a veteran journalist that critics say amount to political persecution. The Global Times said in an

Panel predicts Beijing will keep confronting US 

Tensions between the U.S. and China have deepened during the rule of China’s president, Xi Jinping, and the risk of an inadvertent military clash in the Asia-Pacific is growing, a congressional advisory panel said

Xi: Sino-Australian trade deal won’t hurt New Zealand 

Chinese President Xi Jinping said yesterday that China’s trade deal with Australia won’t hurt neighboring New Zealand because demand from the world’s No. 2 economy remains strong. Xi spoke to media

Mainland factory activity at 6-month low 

Manufacturing activity in China fell to a six-month low in November, reflecting sluggishness in the world No. 2 economy and weakness abroad, according to an early survey of factory conditions released yesterday. HSBC’s

Hong Kong | Most people want pro-democracy protests to end now

Most Hong Kong people have grown weary of pro-democracy protests that have sparked clashes with police and disrupted the city for almost two months, and want the government to take

MDT Interview | Allan Zeman on Occupy Central | ‘I wanted to experience it. It was impressive’

Hong Kong’s restaurant and resort tycoon, Allan Zeman, best known as the father of Lan Kwai Fong (he stills owns most of it and has two more LKFs in China)

Beijing plans to slow energy consumption increase to 28pct by 2020

China, a week after unveiling an accord aimed at limiting carbon emissions, plans to cap the increasing rate at which it consumes energy to 28 percent for the seven-year period

More ‘Ghost Train’ than ‘Through Train’ as Shanghai stock link flows plunge

The flood of buy orders for Shanghai shares through the Hong Kong exchange link has slowed to a trickle two days after the program’s debut. Net purchases of mainland equities by

Hong Kong | Bailiffs to move on Mong Kok protest sites after Admiralty clash

Hong Kong will seek to remove barricades erected by pro-democracy protesters in the Mong Kok district as early as tomorrow, amid signs of escalating tension after some demonstrators broke into

Censors block websites as Internet meeting begins

Chinese censors have newly blocked access to several popular websites as they target content delivery networks that serve much of the Internet, according to a U.S. Internet service company. The action

Global drug-trafficking channels busted in Guangdong

The crackdown has dealt a heavy blow to domestic and international drug traffickers and producers who have continuously tried to turn the prosperous province into a major drug distribution center,

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