* Bonds Spread — Central gov’t to issue a new round of bonds in Macau valued at RMB3 billion aiming to internationalize the Chinese currency * MDT Report | No plan to
* Down the border — Macau reopens borders to 41 countries, excludes migrants’ nationalities * Wilfred Wong exclusive | Sands will stay in Macau ‘for the next ten years’ * Three suspects in
— Virus curbs in China must change to prevent ‘economic stall’, the Anbound Research Center, a think tank based in Beijing, warns in a report * Public Works | Fourth bridge
* Gloomy days — Economy contracts nearly 40%, while unemployment rate reaches record high at 5.4% * Gaming | Minimum casino table income set at MOP7 million * Satellite casinos find alleged increase
* Storm quarantine — Typhoon Ma-on batters region and puts city partially indoors, no injuries reported * Australia’s The Star casino questioned as its major shareholder allegedly has ties with triads in
— Unbearable hikes in households’ electricity bills frustrate residents amid financial turmoil; CEM blames estimates due to lack of direct readings during lockdown * Security stats | Less gaming means less
* National Security | Macau law is ‘local and tailored’: Gov’t * Tourism | Sector hopes for rebound amid staff shortage * A survey conducted by a local association shows that nearly
— Only supermarkets thriving in crisis, sector growing by 28% * Gaming | ‘Firm recovery’ only in 2023 as casino losses up to USD2b in first half * Covid-19 | City drops
* Sandwich Tiles — ‘Sandwich class’ housing bill in the works, but lawmakers discontent with quality of public homes * Quarantine | Gov’t promises to shorten waiting period at airport * School year:
* Last appeal — Group of migrant workers w ho faced maltreatment and live in despair appeals to the Chief Executive * Travel | Air Macau gradually resumes mainland routes * In cooperation
* Strait Crisis | China sets sanctions on Taiwan figures * Fishing boats | New anchorage regulation to begin in September * Single middle-aged men have ‘high probability’ of problem gambling, says
— ‘Junket bill’ to allow concessionaires to hire services of several gaming promoters * Trees die standing — Legal status of old trees should be defined in cultural heritage law: Committee * Courts
— AL approved the first reading of the new legal regime to attract qualified staff from political elites, chemists to florists and bar benders * SMEs facing headwinds | Companies in
— Lawmakers call on gov’t to investigate ‘fake job offers’ on Labour Affairs Bureau database * Covid Unrelated | Tests show latest Zhuhai Covid case unrelated to Macau * Taste of Edesia *
* Blue’s exodus — 8,700 non-resident workers left the city since January, pop stood at 677K end of June * Mulan | Typhoon sweeps near city, edges T8 minimum * Wynn Resorts pledges
— Ho Iat Seng promises that the second batch of economic relief measures is ‘for all residents of Macau’, thus excluding any gov’t support for blue-cards * Economy | 147 offshores
— Not following ‘zero-Covid’, Hong Kong reduces hotel quarantine to three days; Macau won’t follow neighboring SAR policies * The baker from Zhuhai — Origin of new case ‘unknown’, local health authorities
* Chamber of Commerce suggests MOP3,000 subsidy to non-locals * Hong Kong | Last sawmill faces closure amid development plan * Nearly 2,000 smuggled goods in 39 cases were caught by police
— Arrivals surge causing NAT delay and long hours of waiting for returnees at airport * Andy Wu | Travel sector confident of city’s economic recovery * Gaming | MGM China puts
— Sino-American relations reach a new low following Nancy Pelosi’s high-profile visit to Taiwan that drew official ire from Beijing to Macau * EASL | Basketball league moves ahead without Macau
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