Show us how Zhou became super-rich

Never flaunt your wealth is a well-known ancient Chinese maxim. Obviously, Zhou Jie, a 28-year-old employee of the State-owned Capital Operation Holding Group in eastern China’s Jiangxi province,

Taiwan question being recklessly hijacked by Washington politicians

This year is the 30th anniversary of the 1992 Consensus in which both sides of the Taiwan Straits agreed that there is only one China. A gathering

A decade of rising forest cover and better protecting the environment

Just as US presidents always take part in the annual Thanksgiving Day ceremony of pardoning the turkey in the White House and thanking God for a bountiful harvest,

Some positivity injected into China-EU ties

The ninth round of the China-EU High-Level Trade and Economic Dialogue, held virtually on Tuesday, was pragmatic, candid, efficient and constructive, according to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce.

Pelosi’s proposed visit to Taiwan will bankrupt US credit with its hypocrisy

By airing the possibility of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visiting Taiwan next month, Washington is testing Beijing’s reaction. It was originally planned that she would visit the

Arms sales to Taiwan only serve to sustain secessionists’ delusions

The US State Department has approved the potential sale of military technological assistance worth $108 million to Taiwan. It will be the fifth arms deal with the

Japan’s Constitution changers still have to dream

Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution has defined the country’s postwar international relations. The so-called no war clause ended the military’s hold on the Japanese state, limiting its

Imperative to narrow development gap

Monday was World Population Day. In his message to mark the day and the release of the United Nations latest World Population Prospects report, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres

Multiple factors to blame for Sri Lanka’s woes

Hundreds of thousands of angry protesters stormed the presidential palace in Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka, and broke into the prime minister’s private residence and set it on

UK has chance to restore shine of ‘golden age’

With the loss of support within his government and party, United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson was left with no option but to resign on Thursday. This brings

‘Covid discrimination’ must be rooted out

Even as the country tries to spur its economy back on the normal track, the stigmatizing of those who have been infected with the novel coronavirus has appeared

NATO fully in grip of Washington

Given the revamped Security Concept that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization leaders adopted at their summit in Madrid, Spain, last week, it is clear that the world’s largest

Science serves as bedrock of China’s targeted epidemic control

Science-based and targeted epidemic control has been playing a key role in China’s endeavors to protect its people’s health and strike a balance between epidemic control and economic

Even brighter future beckons HK after 25 years of success

For Hong Kong residents and all others who wish it well, nothing can be as reassuring as President Xi Jinping’s pledge of “maintaining Hong Kong’s unique status and

Hong Kong poised for greater success under “one country, two systems”

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), which celebrates its 25th anniversary on July 1, is set to write a new chapter in its success story with the

Women’s rights  sacrificed at the altar of US judiciary

The Supreme Court of the United States has overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade of 1973 that legalized abortion in the country. By ruling on Friday that the right to

Can G7 meet the global challenges?

Before the G7 Summit in the Bavarian Alps, being held from Sunday to Tuesday, and the NATO Summit scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday in Madrid, many diplomatic meetings

Fatal backslide on women’s rights in US

The US Supreme Court’s seismic ruling on Friday to overturn Roe vs Wade that has guaranteed women the constitutional right to abortion since 1973 has sent shockwaves across

Tampering with health code is crossing the redline

If some officials abuse their power by turning healthy people’s health codes red, they are crossing a dangerous redline. Some people in Henan province are alleging that

Bill to promote ideological attack on China not freedom of speech

The so-called China Social Media Reciprocity Act some House Republicans proposed to the United States legislature on Tuesday represents the latest attempt by some US politicians to prevent

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