Vox Parva: Life education in Macau has a long way to go

Topics related to ‘life education’ in Macau have been under discussion since the very beginning of the curriculum reform process in non-tertiary education. Universities, institutions and various associations have also

World Views: HSBC should move to Hong Kong ASAP

In retrospect, HSBC’s decision in 1993 to abandon Hong Kong for London’s Canary Wharf was one of modern history’s worst business moves. It seemed perfectly wise at the time, just

Insight | Should Macau adopt the HK electoral package?

Following the 79-day Occupy Central movement, legislators are set to vote on an electoral reform plan before the end of July. The plan would introduce universal suffrage to elect the

Kapok | Groundhog Day

In the 1993 comedy “Groundhog Day”, Bill Murray plays a weatherman who falls victim of some form of never ending time loop while reluctantly covering a seemingly dull and repetitive

HK Observer | (No) Room for improvement

of the key issues facing voters here is whether the reform package on electing the chief executive, as proffered by the government is the final version of Beijing’s definition of

Artifacts: Sex dolls, strippers and… golf

Morals are a funny thing in China these days. Take the corrupt ‘naked’ official’s standard weekend. Saturday night was never so good as when it was spent splashing out thousands

World Views | End the American expat tax

Only two nations in the world tax their citizens who live abroad. One of them is a small and vicious African dictatorship. The other is the world’s most powerful democracy. Does

Rear Window | May power

Inspired by the slogan that proclaims “Only Macau is Macau”, we are ready to believe this presumed uniqueness and stubborn localism refers to everything going on the small territory. In

Bizcuits | Why stay?

Are you an expatriate? Some foreigners don’t think of themselves as one because the term has been traditionally used to describe a high-flying executive on a fat package dropped into

Tea Leaks by Talkers

Apparently, “the” place to be this evening is the Praha Bar, a joint with a view at the Fisherman’s Wharf. It’s the monthly drinks event hosted by our favorite concern

Vox Parva: Values beyond borders and nations

It was a year ago when I received an English copy of the book “500 years of Italians in Hong Kong and Macau” from one of its authors, Gianni Criveller.

World Views: Asia’s growing China problem

Asia has a China problem. Beijing has just initiated its biggest cut in bank reserve requirements since 2008, a move that underscores just how worried it is about its economy. But the

Our Desk: A tale of two border crossings

Living across two separated territories has trained me to be border-crossing savvy. I try to avoid the crowded checkpoints and congested traffic as much as I can, and learn my

Insight | On political ability

The 2015 Policy Address is done. Chief Executive Chui Sai On and all five secretaries went to the Legislative Assembly (AL) to present the strategy they aim to implement during

Kapok | The way ahead is long

Thanks to Linkedin, I sometimes get to read articles about management in general and human relations at work, in particular, that I would otherwise simply brush aside for lack of

Tea Leaks by Talkers

  Go peggy! A casino without power is a lot like a bar with no beer – useless. So there were no doubt a few raised eyebrows across Macau when

HK Observer | TV, HKU and political reform

Several key elements of Hong Kong’s makeup are under threat according to recent news developments. Most importantly unless we get a deal for political reform governance is at stake. Secondly,

World Views: China’s great wall of sand

China is building new harbors and airstrips on various reefs and atolls in the Spratly Islands – facilities that, Beijing confirms, will be used for military as well as civil

World Views | It’s a race, Hillary, start running

At the moment, the competition she enters isn’t much of a race. She has already outmuscled many prospective rivals. She doesn’t quite stand alone, but potential competitors for the Democratic

Rear Window | Idle cash

Conventional wisdom tells us that Macau people are eager to brag about the standard of the services provided by its utilities, or at least admit a better than average level

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