
CE expresses condolences over former ExCo spokesperson Tong Chi Kin

The Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng has expressed condolences over the death of Tong Chi Kin, a former spokesperson of the Executive Council, who passed away Saturday.

“Tong Chi Kin loved the country and Macau all his life, cared about the society, and made a lot of contributions to the development of Macau. In particular, he devoted himself to education and cultivated talents,” he said, as cited in a statement.

Tong was also a veteran leading figure of the Macau Federation of Trade Unions (FAOM).

Ho recalled that Tong participated in and discussed state affairs for many years, “actively offered advice and suggestions, cared about the affairs of the country and the SAR, and was committed to promoting the successful practice of ‘One country, two systems’ in Macau for steady and long-term development.”

Tong once served as the principal Lou Hau High School and held other teaching positions. He co-founded the Association for the Promotion of Post-Secondary Education of Macau. “He cared about the development of talent education throughout his life and never quit to serve the society,” the statement read. Staff reporter

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