CE to deliver Policy Address tomorrow

Chui Sai On at the AL

Chui Sai On at the AL

The Chief Executive (CE), Chui Sai On, will deliver the Policy Address for the Fiscal Year 2016 tomorrow in the Legislative Assembly (AL) at 3 p.m. The address will be followed by a Legislative Assembly plenary session on November 18, in which Chui will explain his policy program and answer the questions of legislators.
The five policy secretaries and their subordinates will present their policy guidelines to the AL over the next four weeks, concluding with the Secretary for Transport and Public Works, who will present over December 9 and 10.
The postal services will deliver copies of a pamphlet containing highlights from the Policy Address to every household in Macau, and this will be distributed in both Chinese and Portuguese. This is to ensure that citizens have “a better understanding of the policies” included in the address.
A hard copy of the full Policy
Address will also be made available from a number of government offices and centers, including the Public Information Centre. The materials are available for download on the websites of several of these public bodies.
Users of portable devices can watch the live sessions via GCE Macau, the mobile application recently issued by the CE’s office, or through MSAR News, the mobile app of the Government Information Office.
Live broadcasts can also be viewed online on the government portal website, and on the websites of the CE’s office and the Legislative Assembly. In addition, TDM will transmit the above events live on its television and radio services.

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