Chui announces more reshuffles for top public posts

Chief Executive Fernando Chui has disclosed that the public offices will see more personnel changes at the leadership level in the following two months. Besides, he also expressed his personal approval of Chan Wai Sin, the public hospital’s outstanding head for his “endeavors and wisdom” during his tenure at the hospital.
On top of that, Chui said that either internationally or regionally, it was commonplace that specialist doctors returned to the work of their field after a certain period of engaging in administration. And it was no exception here in Macau.
The region’s leader also urged the public to be “fair” to Kuok Cheong U without exerting too much pressure on him. Kuok will soon assume the top position after Chan leaves. Chui also has confidence in the director-to-be, whom he believed would garner positive comments from the public during his mandate.

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