Commissioner debuts with positive future vision

Ye Dabo (2nd from left) toasts with Chui Sai on and other top officials

Ye Dabo (2nd from left) toasts with Chui Sai on and other top officials

The new Foreign Affairs Commissioner in Macau, Ye Dabo, said that the region would continue to thrive despite the current economic downturn under the central government’s support.
Ye succeeded Hu Zhengyue as the new Commissioner and made his official debut in an inaugural ceremony yesterday afternoon in the presence of key local senior officials and representatives from the private sector.
The Commissioner firstly praised the authorities for managing to “maintain stable economic fundamentals, ensure sound fiscal status and keep a relatively low-level unemployment rate” under the Chinese government’s multiple strategies.
As key Communist leaders yesterday wrapped up the fifth Party plenum over the policy blueprint for the coming five years, Ye believed the territory would “enjoy even greater prosperity and development” together with the mainland.
“The thirteenth five-year plan will put forward policies of how the central government will support the development of Macau,” said the commissioner.
Ye continued: “Macau is now at a new historical starting point, and it is now facing extremely important opportunities for development. I am deeply convinced that with the strong backing of the motherland, as well as unity and concerted effort of the SAR government and society, Macau will enjoy even greater prosperity and development.”
The mainland official’s address also touched on the central government’s pledges to maintain steady economic growth in the future, the nation’s role on the international stage over regional security, and its strengthened ties with other countries.
“I feel the full weight with which this responsibility is entrusted to me. Based on the sound foundation laid down by my predecessors, I will earnestly fulfill my duties and make pioneering efforts,” he vowed.

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