Crime | Four apprehended for alleged ecstasy trade

Four Vietnamese men were arrested on February 14 on allegations of dealing MDMA through international mail, the Judiciary Police (PJ) revealed yesterday.

Known scientifically as methylenebioxymethamphetamine, MDMA, colloquially known as ecstasy, is a form of amphetamine.

After receiving the drugs by mail from the Netherlands, the four men, surnamed Doan, Nguyen, Le and Nguyen, were set to sell them in the city.

The arrest took place as the suspects collected the parcel, which contained two chocolate boxes. Inside, 48 objects camouflaged as chocolate were found. They were later confirmed by the police to be ecstasy pills, with a total value of MOP210,000.

Except for Doan, who sneaked into Macau in May 2019, the suspects entered Macau on tourist visas between June 2019 and July 2020. They reported themselves to be unemployed.

The PJ noted that the men refused to cooperate with the investigations. The police believe that the individuals have been dealing MDMA in this fashion for half a year.

According to the Narcotics Division of the Hong Kong Security Bureau, MDMA is usually sold as round tablets of various colors impressed with a multitude of logos. Many MDMA tablets are adulterated with ketamine, amphetamine or methamphetamine; some are also adulterated with caffeine, phenobarbitone or methaqualone. AL

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