Cybersecurity Law | ‘Real names’ on prepaid SIM cards gathering support, authorities claim

The government has claimed that it is gaining support for its proposal for real names to be used when registering for prepaid SIM cards.

The Office of the Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak said in a statement that the proposal – included in a bill that aims to establish a Cybersecurity Law in Macau – was well received at the first public consultation.

The consultation is a means for the government to hear the views of the general public, as well as the companies and entities directly involved with the related procedures and services.
During Friday evening’s session at the Judiciary Police (PJ) headquarters, some of the 19 people that expressed their views on the document said they supported the government on the measure, noting that the measure “can help police in the investigation and fight against cybercrime,” according to the statement.

A total of 90 citizens attended the session, where the government’s representatives presented the proposal on the Cybersecurity Law in detail and exchanged ideas with participants.
“The majority of the stakeholders agree with the need to establish this Law,” the statement concluded.
The management of public services and entities’ cybersecurity was also discussed. It was eventually decided that internal guidelines should be given to all public services, and that the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau would be in charge of creating a data center to provide technical support to the public services.

Participants expressed the opinion that the authorities should establish standardized cybersecurity criteria. They also shared their views on the protection of personal data, the effectiveness of the law, the enforcement and scope of penalties, awareness-raising campaigns, regional cooperation, and the professionalism of the future permanent committee.

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