Director-General of the Customs Service dies in undisclosed circumstances

The Director-General of the Customs Service Ms Lai Man Wa was found dead today (Friday) in Ocean Gardens, the Chief Executive announced this evening in a press conference. The cause of death is still under investigation but the preliminary evaluation from the Health Bureau points to suicide.
At the press conference, the Secretary for Security, Mr Wong Sio Chak revealed that at 3:30 p.m. the CPSP answered a call from public toilets in Ocean Gardens, in Taipa, saying that a body had been found there without any trace of probable cause of death. He added that the investigations are still pending, but the first report from the Macau Forensic Medicine department ruled out homicide.
Mr Wong also said that he had been in close contact with Ms Lai until yesterday evening but did not notice anything in her behavior that suggested anything untoward. He also pointed out that they even had set a meeting in Zhuhai for this afternoon (Friday) to discuss with local authorities issues regarding “waters and illegal immigration.”
Meanwhile, security and cleaning staff at Ocean Gardens told the Times they were “alerted by the police in the afternoon,” and that they saw “a pool of blood” near a public toilet surrounded by policemen.
The announcement of the Chief Executive came during an emergency press meeting held this evening at the Government Headquarters. Mr Chui Sai On received the news with “great sorrow”, offering his condolences to the family and friends, describing Ms Lai as “a great friend and an excellent worker that contributed greatly to Macau.”
Mr Chui said that “in accordance with the law, the Director-General will be replaced in her duties by the Secretary for Security, Wong Sio Chak, until the appointment of another person.”

Ms Lai Man Wa

Ms Lai Man Wa

Lai Man Wa, 56, was born in January 1959 in Macau.
Lai obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Police Science from the Academy of Public Security Forces and holds a Masters of Law in Public Administration from Sun Yat-sen University.
She was appointed Director-General of the Customs Service less than a year ago. Previously she had been Deputy-Director of the same service. She was also serving as president of the Macao Alumni of the School of Government of the Sun Yat-sen University, and an advisor to the Women’s General Association of Macau.
Since joining the Security Forces, back in 1984, Lai has been mainly engaged in the area of intelligence and investigation, including organizing the criminal proceedings dossier. She has also been involved in the transfer and resettlement of Vietnamese refugees.

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