Economic incentives promised in exchange for patriotism

Economic incentives such as business and job opportunities are being promised in exchange for youth in Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan developing national and cultural identities compatible with mainland ideology, it has emerged.

The incentives are being promised by the Chinese Community Party’s youth wing as part of the group’s long-term youth development plan which, according to the South China Morning Post, covers issues such as rights, education, marriage and social security.

The plan, intended to join together young people from across the greater China region under a common identity, comes in response to growing social unrest in Hong Kong and Taiwan. It also attempts to tackle the consequences of the social unrest, including youth political movements that emphasize stronger local identities and autonomy.

“[We will] help the youth in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan shape their identity with the culture of the motherland and the correct knowledge of ‘one country, two systems’,” a statement from the group said.

The economic incentives are being supported by the Chinese Community Party and the government of mainland China and conform to recent statements made by PRC leaders on the future development of Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Visiting Macau earlier this month, Zhang Dejiang, chairman of the National People’s Congress, said that “the torch of patriotism” should be handed down to the younger generations by educating them on Chinese history and culture from a young age.

He said this was how Macau should preserve its mainstream social value of “loving the country and loving Macau.”

The leader of the Chinese Community Party’s youth win, Qin Yizhi, said that exchanges within the greater China region are already occurring, but more can be done.

“We will try to include more and more Hong Kong and Macau young people in such exchanges. We will also improve the effectiveness of such exchanges based on the actual needs of the young people,” said Qin, as cited by the SCMP.

However, Hong Kong Legislative Council member Nathan Law, denied that work opportunities would breed patriotism in the HKSAR, citing previous failed policies implemented by the local government. DB

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