Education | 10 inquiries on school enrollment offers to Macau students in HK

Sou Chou Fai, director of the Higher Education Bureau (DSES) claimed that the bureau has received inquiries from local parents regarding enrolling their children, currently studying in Hong Kong, in Macau’s universities.

Earlier, due to the protests in Hong Kong, local universities have extended a welcoming gesture to Macau students who are studying in Hong Kong, offering to enroll them in Macau’s local schools.

According to Sou, as of today, the DSES has only received inquiries from approximately 10 students and parents asking about the offer.

However, no confirmed case has been recorded as yet.

Local schools will provide full assistance to make sure that the students’ studies are not affected. The university will provide different forms of assistance in view of individual circumstances, such as arranging ways for students to audit the classes, giving them access to learning resources, or faculty tutoring.

In Sou’s opinion, Hong Kong’s current situation dampens, to some degree, Macau students’ willingness to study in the neighboring SAR.

In addition to his response on the abovementioned matter, Sou also commented on the online speech by local teaching staff.

Earlier, a teacher of Pui Cheng School posted social media posts containing hate speeches against Hong Kong protestors.

Sou said that local schools provide civic education to students, and they should be responsible for their speeches both online and in person. JZ

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