Education | 792 students accepted by top mainland universities

This year, a total of 792 local students were admitted to top mainland universities through a process known as the ‘recommendation admission’, according to the Chinese press. The results of the mainland universities’ first admission round for recommended students were released on Sunday.

From the 1,077 candidates, a total of 792 students were admitted, which is an acceptance rate of 73.5 percent. 

Ten universities which participated in this admission process accepted more students than originally intended.

Students who were not accepted in the first round will have another chance in the second recommendation admission. More than 200 students are included in this category, and these students have an opportunity to be accepted by one of mainland China’s top 50 universities.

This year, the number of universities, the number of recommended students, and the number of the applicants recorded a noticeable increase.

Overall, 79 mainland universities have been included in the recommendation admission, providing a total of 1,113 positions to Macau students. Last year, 930 positions were provided by 57 mainland universities.

This year’s 1,077 Macau students who applied for admission, was a figure 367 higher than last year’s, representing an increase of approximately 50 percent.

The Tertiary Education Services Office said that 18 schools accepted exactly the number of students originally planned, and informed that 50 mainland universities are still offering more than 300 positions for Macau students.

The deputy director of Fu Dan University’s admission office, Wang Yang, said that the examination levels of this year’s students are better than last year’s, and that “the written examination grades are the best in recent years.”

This year, 53 students applied for Fu Dan University, with 30 students being accepted.

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