The Executive Council (ExCo) concluded its analysis of several administrative regulations for the public works and transportation sector, the council spokesperson announced at a press conference yesterday.
ExCo spokesman Leong Heng Teng introduced the amendment, which proposes that the Transport Advisory Committee be presided over by the director of the Transport Bureau (DSAT) and the vice president appointed by ExCo. The amendment also calls for the Logistics Industry Development Committee and the Fishing Industry Advisory Committee to be disbanded.
The Urban Renewal Committee will still be hosted and coordinated by the Secretary for Transport and Public Works.
The Urban Planning Committee will then be presided over by the director of the Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau (DSSOPT), while the DSAT’s Director will become President of the Traffic Committee.
The Environment Consultative Council and the Public Housing Consultative Council will be presided over by the Director of the Environment Protection Bureau (DSPA) and by the Director of the Housing Bureau (IH), respectively.
These advisory committees were previously presided over by the Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Raimundo do Rosário.
The only committee which will remain under Rosário’s leadership is the Urban Renewal Committee.
Leong noted that the changes do not downgrade any of the committees and are merely the authorities’ own initiatives for public administrative reform.
The advisory organizations, according to Leong, are also seeking public opinion on suggestions for governmental policies.
“Some committees oversee work that requires specific expertise,” said Leong, adding that bureau directors presiding over the committees will be more familiar with, and better equipped to handle, issues in specific industries.
Leong pointed out that only the transportation and public works sectors underwent changes, but that other sectors will soon see changes in their advisory committees as well.
Since the secretary will no longer be President of the Urban Planning Committee, the committee will review its own composition with the Urban Renewal Committee.
Leong said that the authorities have “great hopes for the Urban Renewal Committee.”
He also claimed that the change in leadership will make the committee’s duties more detailed and that “it [the change] might be more favourable to their [the advisory committees’] development.”
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