The Buzz | Greek Mythology may be forced into sale to cover debts

The company that runs the Beijing Imperial Palace Hotel could now push for the sale of the Greek Mythology casino that shut down last year, reported TDM, since the Court of Final Appeal (TUI) has rejected an appeal over unpaid VIP gaming commissions. The company is fighting a dispute over money allegedly owed to Hoi Cheng Nga, who runs Macau-based Energy Travel Agency. She is now in a position to demand the sale of the hotel in order to recuperate the debt. Her lawyer, Lou Weng, told TDM that Hoi “just wants to get back her money,” in response to being asked about a possible sale. Operators of the casino have previously said that the shutdown was temporary and that the resort would shortly be reopening. However, the operating company’s financial woes have caused mounting problems for owners, including protests from hotel staff who claimed last year to be missing multiple months of wages.

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