
IFTM to boost technology in various programs

Technology will be more incorporated in programs offered at the local public tourism institute, the head of the institute told the press yesterday.

Having launched the Master’s program in digital marketing and analytics this academic year, the Macao Institute for Tourism Studies (IFTM) is ready to incorporate more technological elements into its existing programs, such as those on hospitality and tourism management, IFTM president Fanny Vong assured yesterday. She also referred to the institute offering a Master’s program in smart technologies.

The institute has welcomed 600 new students across all degree levels this academic year, which is its largest number in history. Vong disclosed that programs in hospitality management and culinary management are the most popular, while those in cultural heritage management are particularly popular with mainland students.

She hinted that IFTM is facing more fierce competitions with institutions around the globe. She believes more students are considering studying outside Macau after the resumption of normalcy post-Covid.

“I think Macau students have always had the advantage of having a lot of choices, as far as going for further studies is concerned,” Vong suggested. “In the past, we had always seen students interested in trying various opportunities.”

It was also revealed yesterday that certain facilities at the IFTM’s Taipa Campus have been revamped during the summer holiday.

The agreement signing ceremony also took place yesterday between the IFTM and the official TOEFL and TOEIC representative office in Hong Kong. The agreement is for the third test center in Macau at the institute for the US English literacy test TOEFL.

Both parties have seen increasing demand for seats in the test, especially after the resumption of normalcy. TOEFL is key to the admission by many higher education institutions around the world.

With this said, students from the IFTM and other schools within the Greater Bay Area (GBA) will be able to enjoy the additional seats at the new test centers. Vong underlined that the test has a centralized registration system, meaning that all test-takers who intend to take it in Macau will be allowed to do so, regardless of their origins.

Kevin Chan, official TOEFL & TOEIC representative in Hong Kong & Macau and president of Smart Education, said on the sidelines of the signing ceremony that he expects the new test center to attract talents from across the GBA to Macau to take the test.

The city’s other sectors will therefore benefit from the new test center. Chan added that there is a lot of competition for seats for the test in Hong Kong, meaning that it would be difficult for people from Macau to register to take the test there.

A decade or so ago, people from Macau could only take the test outside of Macau – the closest place being Hong Kong – if they had relocation needs.

To cope with the new test center, preparatory courses for TOEFL have also begun to better train test-takers, Vong added. She is also confident in the teaching quality of IFTM’s faculty in these courses.

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