Increase in visitors reported at Lusofonia Festival

1-Courtesy-House-of-Portugal-11059239_1034918093197382_4133531058480914403_n12046733_1034917993197392_4097138827934785853_nThe Taipa Houses Museum was transformed  for the 18th time, into the setting for the Lusophone cultural display. This year’s festival, having taken place over the weekend, had to deal for the first time with the Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Law (the Noise Law) that forced the party to terminate early on Friday night (finishing at 10 p.m.).
Carla Fellini, vice-president of the Brazil House Association, said to TDM that “many people were not aware of this new rule and were a little bit sad to leave the party so early”.
On a positive note, the president of the House of Portugal association, Maria Amélia Antonio, commented on “the presence of much larger numbers of visitors this year”.
José Silva, from the Macanese Association (ADM) also acknowledged the growth in the number of visitors, “especially Chinese people”.
As is typically the case, ten exhibition stands representing the different Lusophone countries and regions served traditional foods and drinks, and a lively atmosphere was enhanced by music and diverse performances on stage.  RM

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