
Industry optimistic about summer holidays

The local tourism industry is optimistic about the summer holiday season, the lawmaker and president of the Association of Macao Tourist Agents, Cheung Kin Chung, said in an interview with the public broadcaster TDM.

Questioned on the topic, Cheung said that the industry is optimistic that more visitors (particularly families) will come to Macau this summer to take advantage of measures launched recently by the central government.

He is also optimistic that other types of visitors, including those attending conventions and exhibitions, will grow in the coming months.

Cheung also noted that, due to the increase in hotel room rates, the industry has responded with an increase in the quality of its offerings and services.

Cheung highlighted that the emphasis on quality and high-end tourism should counteract any potential impact of more affordable offerings available in Hengqin on the local industry.

In a different interview with the same public broadcaster, Paul Wong, president of the Macau Leisure and Tourism Service Innovation Association, was also hopeful for a good result for the industry this summer.

Wong noted that the summertime has always been a peak period for visits to Macau, and expects that this year will be no different.

He also remarked that the recent tax exemption policies from the central government on goods purchased in Macau should contribute to higher spending and increased interest from mainland residents in visiting Macau.

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