IPM honors former European Commission head

3-Belgium-EU-SummitFormer European Commission president, Durão Barroso, is visiting Macau this month, where he will be awarded the title of Honorary Coordinator Professor by the Macau Polytechnic Institute (IPM).
The ceremony will take place on October 20. Lei Heong Iok, IPM’s president, told Lusa that Mr Barroso will receive the award after a conference, where he will be speaking on the topic “Globalization of the Twenty-First Century: New Silk Routes, Other Links between Continents.”
“For us at IPM, this will be a very meaningful ceremony, as Mr Durão Barroso is a personality of great prestige, as a former prime minister of Portugal and also former president of the EU,” Lei Heong Iok said.
The ceremony will be presided over by the Secretary of Social Affairs and Culture, Mr Alexis Tam.

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