Letter to the Editor | Car parking in Coloane

Dear Editor,

I write on behalf of some residents of Coloane regarding car parking in the village.
Parking in the village has become a major challenge. Prior to 1999, there were parking spaces available, and residents could leave cars without payment. As Macau became busier, the volume of traffic grew, and in the mid-2000s it became necessary to outline specific parking spaces in the village, although meters were not yet used.
10 years later, in the middle of the last decade, both public and private housing developments opened on Coloane, creating a huge increase in village traffic.
Parking meters are limited to 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour periods. During the week it can be difficult to park, but on weekends, it is nearly impossible. As a resident, if we are able to find a space, to follow the law we have to drive out of that space and try to find another one when the time is up to avoid ‘feeding the meter.’ Most weekends we are forced to park illegally, and continually watch the phone for a message that the car is being ticketed or clamped.
The government has been encouraging tourism tours to the village, and the area has become a turnaround point for the public buses. It also serves as a parking lot for the Police Academy cadets whilst they undergo their training. However, there are no public parking facilities in the village other than the metered ones.
We submit this open letter to respectfully request the government that parking permits (or a similar practice) be set up in Coloane. For example, the permits might come at a monthly or yearly cost to the user, may only be obtained by the registered owner of a property or the registered tenant (as registered with the government tax office) whose name matches the car owner. A permit might allow the car to park on any meter space within the village for a maximum of 72 hours (to avoid car dumping). Alternatively, the provision of some spaces specifically for permit holders may also be feasible.
Whichever way it is addressed, it is a matter of urgency for Coloane residents, and government intervention would be very much appreciated.
Thank you.

A concerned citizen
(Name and address supplied but withheld from publishing.)

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