Macau leads China in tourism revenue: UNWTO

Macau has solidified its position as the top tourism revenue generator in China, surpassing other prominent nations, according to a report from the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Macau secured 13th position in the global ranking of countries and regions generating the highest revenue in the tourism sector. With an impressive growth rate of 275% in 2023 compared to the previous year, Macau’s tourism revenue amounted to a staggering USD32.6 billion.

The latest data from the UNWTO reveals Macau’s exceptional performance, with its tourism revenue outstripping that of countries like India and Mexico. The United States topped the list with USD175.9 billion in tourism revenue, followed by Spain with USD92 billion and the United Kingdom with USD73.9 billion.

Chinese tourists played a significant role in driving international tourism spending, surpassing the United States in 2023.

China has recovered its position as top spender on international tourism in 2023 as Asia and the Pacific consolidates its recovery from the impacts of the pandemic.

In 2022, the list of top spenders was headed by the United States. France, Spain and USA took the top spots for most-visited destinations.

Last year, Chinese travelers spent a staggering USD197.7 billion, reaffirming their position as the top spenders on international tourism. North American tourists, on the other hand, spent USD123.2 billion internationally.

The recovery of Asia and the Pacific region from the pandemic’s impact played a crucial role in China’s resurgence as the leading spender on international tourism in 2023.

Among the top 10 spenders in 2023, China was followed by the United States (USD150 billion), Germany (USD112 billion), the United Kingdom (USD110 billion), and France (USD49 billion).

Notably, India rose to the eighth position, showcasing the country’s growing importance as a source market.

While France retained its position as the world’s most visited destination with 100 million international tourist arrivals in 2023, Macau solidified its standing as a top earner in international tourism receipts, securing a place among the top 15 tourism earners globally.

As the world looks ahead to a full recovery in the tourism sector in 2024, Macau’s growth and contribution to the industry serves as a positive sign.

The global tourism landscape is expected to witness a 2% growth above 2019 levels, supported by robust demand, improved air connectivity, and the ongoing recovery of major Asian markets, including China.

Recently, Macau, for the first time, was ranked the most satisfactory destination for mainland outbound tourists in the first quarter of the year, thanks to a number of favorable policies that have bolstered the city’s tourism industry.

According to the China Tourism Academy (CTA), Macao scored 83.49 in the satisfaction-level ranking of destinations visited by mainland outbound tourists, ranking top, while Hong Kong secured seventh spot with 81.77. Staff Reporter

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