New arrest related to St Lazarus illegal graffiti

T-2-Grafitti-coluna-mmexport1436751560701The Judiciary Police arrested another Filipino suspect last Friday at the airport for spraying black graffiti on heritage architecture in the St. Lazarus district in July.
The female suspect, whose detailed identity was not available, was among the seven Filipinos who defaced a listed building on the evening of July 11. Nonetheless, she denied the act of vandalism, saying she “did not spot anyone committing the crime” at the time while they were having drinks.
Aside from the denial, the suspect who was thought to have fled the region for her wrongdoing, professed that she returned to her home country to deal with some procedures related to her travel documents.
In spite of her claim, the investigators still pressed charges against the foreign worker as evidence and video images from nearby surveillance cameras confirmed her role in the defacement, which was allegedly out of mischief.
The Cultural Affairs Bureau reported the offence to the police purportedly ten days after a set of English letters and Roman numerals emerged on the façade of the building. Following the incident, the bureau stressed that it would reinforce its inspection of the city’s heritage sites.

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