The Secretary for Security, Mr Wong Sio Chak, oversees the inauguration ceremony of the Director of the Judiciary Police and the Commissioner of the Public Security Police Force
New heads of the Judiciary Police (PJ) and the Public Security Police Force (PSP) were sworn in on Friday. Chau Wai Kuong moved from the PJ deputy director to the authorities’ director, and Leong Man Cheong, who had served as the assistant to the Commissioner General of Unitary Police Service, took office as the new PSP Commissioner.
During the ceremony, Chau vowed that the PJ would adhere to the concept of being “people-oriented and citizen-first” in its law enforcement, as he believes that, “the interaction and mutual trust between the police and the citizens are the most effective policy for crime prevention.”
Leong also stated that he will perform the duty of “guarding the laws and reassuring the people” and carry on the PSP’s “probity, efficiency and professional capability.”
Chau Wai Kuong joined the PSP in 1984 and served in the Tactical Unit and Intervention Police team. He joined the PJ in 1988, where he served as the head of the Intelligence Division and head of the Criminal Investigation Department, as well as the PJ spokesperson. In August 2010, Chau was appointed deputy director of PJ. He also holds a PhD in Law from Renmin University.
Leong Man Cheong joined the PSP in 1987 and served as the Commander of the Tactical Unit and Intervention Police team, as well as the Head of the Department of Operations. In January 2014, Leong was appointed assistant to the Commissioner General of Unitary Police Service, taking charge of the Information Analysis Center. He graduated from the Academy of Public Security Forces in Police Science, and holds a masters degree in Law from the Macau University of Science and Technology.
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