New Macau collects signatures outside Red Market

T-2-2-DSC02741-bThe New Macau Association held a signature-collecting campaign right outside the Red Market yesterday. Their efforts, which would continue at least until Sunday, serve to alert all of the 33 lawmakers about the appeal of the previous model for families awaiting economic housing.
“We wish to turn the resentment into drive for changes to the system,” said Chiang Meng Hin, the association’s head, echoing Ieong’s viewpoint.
Chiang believes that mounting housing demand would only be addressed if the authorities were to reinstate the old scheme, and to devote more idle land to social housing development.
A graphic bearing the faces of the 19 lawmakers who vetoed the former model accompanied the campaign, drawing the attention of passersby and those contributing their signatures. “As everyone seems to have woken up, let’s fast backward to the time when those lawmakers failed to defend their interests,” he said.
Chiang also noted that last week’s result was obviously an indicator of the acute land shortage versus increasing demand. “No matter how you divide the 1,900 units, it wouldn’t satisfy the 42,000 families at the end of the day,” he said. “Unless the secretary is the Jesus Christ who knows how to do loaves of bread and fish.”

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