New Macau urges CE to launch consultation on political reform next year

Members of the New Macau Association (NMA) petitioned at the campaign office of CE Chui Sai On yesterday. They urged Chui, as the only qualified candidate for the next term, to launch a consultation over political reform if he is re-elected in the forthcoming election.
In the petition handed to the office, the group asked whether Chui would propose consultation on political reform in 2015 once he is reappointed for a second term, and engage with public opinion fairly and openly. They also urged him to establish plans and schedules early for universal suffrage in the Chief Executive and Legislative Assembly (AL) elections.
Sulu So, president of NMA, expressed the hope that Chui would give them a reply by August 10. The association plans to place booths on streets to raise awareness of universal suffrage among citizens. So also disclosed that NMA would initiate a community campaign on Aug. 31, with details yet to be confirmed.
The group criticized the process of reform since the handover, namely that the Chief Executive is still elected by a “circle” comprised of only several hundred people. NMA also singled out some social issues, such as problems with land and housing. The group suggested that major public projects should be submitted to AL for review and discussion. They also slammed the government for failing to control the proportion of local and non-local employees within the gaming industry, which has contributed to conflicts between employers and staff. In addition, according to NMA, public opinion on social issues cannot be effectively conveyed through the institutions that have been set up for such consultation. GY

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