
NPC Macau delegation confirms group of 15 candidates

The 15 candidates in the upcoming National People’s Congress (NPC) Macau have been confirmed, the delegation told a press conference yesterday.

Earlier this month, the delegation chose a presidium to process the selection procedure.

Iau Teng Pio, spokesperson of the presidium, made the aforementioned announcement.

Prior to the press conference, the presidium held a meeting, during which Permanent President Ho Iat Seng spoke about the selection process.

At the press conference, Iau said that 18 people obtained nomination forms between November 22 and 28. At the end of that period, 16 people had nominated by returning their forms.

Following review by the presidium, 15 of the 16 people were confirmed eligible to participate in the selection process. They are all above the age of 18 years and are Chinese citizens having the right of abode in Macau.

The remaining person had not managed to secure sufficient nominations, Iau explained, when he was asked for the reason.

The 15 candidates are namely Ho Sut Heng, Kevin Ho, Ng Sio Lai, Si Ka Lon, Iong Weng Ian, Ma Chi Seng, Kou Hoi In, José Chui Sai Peng, Chan Hong, Cheng Son Meng, Vong Hin Fai, Wan Neng Hon, Lao Ka U, Lao Ngai Leong and Sio Chi Wai.

Most of these candidates are administrators or managers at local associations, while others are businesspeople. AL

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