Nursery to close after infant death

Following the death of an infant at the facility on Oct. 19, the Fong Chong (Taipa) Nursery has suddenly announced its closure after Dec. 31, although investigations into the incident are still ongoing.

On Oct. 19, an infant reportedly became unconscious while napping at the facility. The infant was pronounced dead at the public hospital later the same day. The incident is currently being investigated by the Judiciary Police (PJ).

According to a report by local media All About Macau, the nursery notified its service users through text messages. It said that the management felt “extreme sadness and regret.” The message further said that “following a review and after multiple considerations, the nursery has decided to cease operations after Dec. 31.”

Describing the decision as “difficult,” the nursery claims that it is not evading responsibility or trying to put an end to the incident saying, “on the contrary, people will be held accountable.”

In a statement issued on the prospective closure of the nursery, the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) pledged that it would provide necessary assistance to affected families. It noted that about 70 infants use the services at the nursery, while 340 seats are available across Taipa. It recommends affected families seek information on or call 8399 7783 during office hours.

It added that it would “seriously follow up developments on the incident” at the nursery.

After the passing of the infant, at least two lawmakers – José Pereira Coutinho and Ron Lam – suggested the installation of video surveillance systems at local nurseries.

The installation of such systems in local public venues is subject to the views of the Personal Data Protection Office, who had earlier commented that such systems in napping and activity rooms of nurseries were inappropriate due to personal privacy concerns.

On social media, users were not satisfied with the sudden announcement of the closure of the nursery, with most calling the operators and the decision irresponsible.

A social media user wondered how some of these infants would cope with two changes in their environment in six months, as they will relocate to a new nursery after this year-end and then to a kindergarten in the summer.

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