Officer investigated for hair-pulling incident at Hengqin checkpoint

The Public Security Police (PSP) in Macau has launched an investigation into the conduct of one of its officers who was seen on video appearing to drag a woman by the hair after she was involved in a fight at the Hengqin border checkpoint, authorities announced on Wednesday.

The incident occurred around midday on Wednesday (June 26) on the Macau side of the Hengqin checkpoint, according to the PSP. Footage of the encounter has been widely shared on social media, which shows the police officer rushing over to the lady and grabbing her ponytail to forcibly drag her across the road by her hair.

In a statement quoted by TDM’s Chinese-language radio station, the PSP acknowledged that, upon initial analysis, the officer’s treatment of the woman appeared to be “inappropriate.” The police explained that the incident happened after the woman had been involved in an altercation with other individuals, and that the officer had chased and grabbed the woman by the hair in an attempt to prevent her from fleeing the scene.

Authorities stated that, if the investigation determines the officer’s behavior was indeed inappropriate, the case will be addressed in accordance with the law. The PSP said the investigation will examine the circumstances leading up to and following the incident.

While the statement did not provide further details of the initial fight that prompted the officer’s response, it emphasized that the police’s primary concern is to ensure public safety and order. The PSP stressed that it takes such matters seriously and will take appropriate action based on the findings of the investigation.

The video clip circulating online has sparked discussions about the appropriate use of force by law enforcement officers, particularly in situations involving potential criminal activity. Victoria Chan

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