Pet owner disappointed with the gov’t rescue delay

A pet owner has expressed disappointment in the delayed rescue of his dog by authorities.

According to a statement issued by the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM), the dog had difficulty breathing when eating. The dog’s owner began calling authorities for help from 5 p.m. Only after two hours, at 7 p.m., did authorities arrive at his home, but the dog had already passed away. The owner’s home was in a red zone.

“I’m not asking you to help me clean up the dead body; what I asked you for was help saving my dog,” the pet owner said despairingly to the authorities.

After examination, the cause of death was determined to be asphyxiation, caused by the entrance to the trachea being completely blocked by obstructions.

“I regret the unfortunate incident and have reviewed the relevant measures immediately with animal organizations and the veterinary sector to avoid this situation from happening again,” said André Cheong, Secretary for Administration and Justice, as cited in a statement.

Cheong further said that he understood that mandatory confinement measures cause physical and mental distress to resident and pets. Pet owners can contact the respite service of the IAM if their pet does not have safe defecation habits, which affect the safety and health of the pet, he reiterated.

Staff reporter

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