Professional tax refund to start at month-end

The professional tax refund will start to be received by local taxpayers at the end of this month, the Financial Services Bureau (DSF) informed in a statement.

The refund comes earlier than usual this year, in a bid by the government to “alleviate the pressure of life felt by the population during the epidemic situation,” the DSF said, noting that the measure comes in conjunction with the cash handouts distributed to residents last month.

The Professional Tax refund to be issued to local taxpayers late this month is related to taxes paid during the year 2020, as approved by the 2022 Budget Law.

The DSF will refund 60% of the professional tax previously collected, up to the limit of 14,000 patacas, to all taxpayers who were holders of the Macau resident card by December 31, 2020, with further details being disclosed at a later stage.

In the same statement, the DSF also noted that, last month regarding the cash handouts, some 5 billion patacas have been paid via bank transfer into the accounts of residents, with another 100,000 cheques followed by mail to the residents’ addresses. Of these, the DSF says that around 20% have already been processed, hoping that by mid-May the process is concluded. RM

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