Real Estate Matters | Keeping the festive season fun and avoiding hazards at Christmas

Juliet Risdon

Juliet Risdon

One can’t help but get caught up in the excitement of the festive season and approach of Christmas.
As we all focus on making our homes look lovely and spreading cheer, it is easy to sometimes overlook a few of the things that might put a sharp stop to our festive fun.
We never want to have to deal with an emergency at home and get the repairman in or end up in hospital.
When we have spent a long time looking forward to and planning a special time with our family and friends it is even more important that we all stay happy and safe and avoid a trip to the doctor’s.

Whilst candles look absolutely great and add atmosphere and warmth to the Christmas scene we must remember they can present a hazard.
Make sure that candles are not near flammable objects such as under a picture or near a decorative wreath or tinsel that may easily ignite as it burns down.
Do not leave candles lit if you leave you apartment and always extinguish them before you go to sleep.

Christmas lights:
Christmas lights present a risk especially if they themselves are hot and touching flammable materials such as tinsel. Also remember the transformer may get very hot so pay attention to what it might be touching or if it is over heating.
If you are out or sleeping so should your Christmas lights be out too!

Putting up decorations:
If you are standing on a ladder to reach those high out of the way places be careful not to overreach and fall off.
Climbing on chairs and stools can be dangerous if they are not designed for this kind of use. Please avoid injury by using the proper equipment.

Children and pets:
If you have small children or pets they may need to have an extra close eye kept on them as they might curious about and drawn to the pretty decorations. Beware that they do not put things in to their mouths that would cause them to choke such as small baubles.
Also be aware of pets taking an interest in your Christmas tree. Cats may try to climb them and topple them over. Or dogs may try to chew them causing a hazard to themselves.

Burns while cooking:
No Christmas is complete without a celebratory meal and many of us will attempt to do this at home. Make sure who your kitchen doesn’t become overcrowded with people who could get burnt while the chef is busy juggling all the hot food. Small children should be out of the way so they cannot trip you up or touch hot things.
Keep the kitchen space as organized, clutter free and calm as possible.
All that remains for me to say is “Have a Healthy, Happy Festive Season and fantastic New Year”, from all at JML Property!

Juliet Risdon is a Director of JML Property and a property investor.
Having established the company in 1994, JML Property offers Investment Property & Homes. It specializes in managing properties for owners and investors, and providing attractive and comfortable homes for tenants.

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