Registration period for candidates to the CE election committee to kick off

The Electoral Affairs Committee of the Chief Executive (CAECE) has announced that those interested in taking part in the elections for members of the CE Electoral Commission can present their candidacy from tomorrow (June 18) until July 2, the president of CAECE, Song Man Lei, has said.

In a media briefing after a meeting of the CAECE, she also appealed to eligible legal-person voters to register for the right to have a role in the selection process regarding the formation of the CE Election Committee, whose deadline is today (June 17).

According to Song up to Friday noon, the CAECE had received 369 copies by eligible legal-person voters of the “registration form for assigning representatives to sign the nomination form” for candidates to the CE Election Committee, a figure that represents 48% of the aggregate number of eligible legal-person voters.

Those eligible legal-person voters who have not yet filed the relevant registration form should submit one before 5:45 p.m. today, to the Public Administration Building on Rua do Campo.

The legal-person voters are registered associations with voting power for the CE Election Committee. The representative chosen by each legal-person voter will then be authorized to nominate candidates for the CE Election Committee.

Song also said the date for the CE Election Committee polling, which will choose most of the Committee’s members, has been set for August 11.

A 400-member CE Election Committee will then be formed to subsequently elect the sixth-term CE.

The same official also said that all electoral work and election procedures have been progressing in a smooth and orderly manner, and as scheduled.

The CAECE has gradually published, after verifying their eligibility, the names of the representatives chosen by each legal-person voter, with the full list being available on the CE Election website (

Addressing the new rules established by the recent approval of the Law on Oath of Office, Song said the law stipulated that CE Election Committee members must take an oath by signing a declaration to assume their duties. Elected members would be required to submit to the CAECE a signed declaration incorporating the statutory oath that will be prepared by the CAECE according to the legal provisions.

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