Sam Hou Fai addresses the city’s challenges and shortcomings

Sam Hou Fai, sole candidate for the next Chief Executive, has expressed concerns over the city’s stagnation compared to its counterparts in Guangdong province and Hong Kong.

“Our unique advantages have not yet been fully utilized,” he said in a weekend meeting, emphasizing the need to better leverage Macau’s connections with Portuguese-speaking nations to enhance competitiveness and economic growth.

During the meeting, attended by members of the Macau Food Industry Association (Associação dos Comerciantes da Boa Cozinha de Macau), Sam discussed the future of Macau’s catering industry.

The association raised issues about the development of the Macau “Creative City of Gastronomy” strategy, advocating for improved business conditions and policies to stimulate the local economy.

It highlighted the importance of promoting Macau’s rich food culture to both residents and tourists.

In his remarks, Sam acknowledged that while Macau has potential, it must overcome significant challenges.

“We are falling behind Shenzhen’s technology developments and Hong Kong’s financial capabilities,” he said. He called for a strategic approach to integrate more effectively within the Greater Bay Area framework.

Additionally, Sam visited various districts to gauge public sentiment and gather insights on local issues.

He expressed a commitment to listening to citizens’ concerns and promised to strengthen ties across different sectors if elected.

In preparation for the Oct. 13 CE election, Sam’s campaign is focused on addressing public demands for economic diversification and improved living conditions.

His vision includes fostering a more vibrant cultural scene and enhancing infrastructure resilience against climate challenges. Nadia Shaw

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